Brother Matt Scott, Instructor Age Group: 3--5
"Hands On" is the teaching method in this class, as pre-schoolers learn of Christianity through engaging, explorative, and fun activities. The class is designed for non-reading children.
Sister LaMildred Oatis, Instructor Age Group: 6--9
These sessions continue the "hands on" approach to Christian knowledge, while adding advanced activities including reading about biblical characters and principles.
PRE-ADOLESCENCE CLASS Sister Angela Hawthorne, Instructor Age Group: 10--12
This class endeavors to pique the awareness of Christian ethics and morals based upon the word of God. Reinforcement of faith-based living is done through Bible stories, life application, "power" Bible verses, and "power" activities.
TEEN CLASS Sister Joyce McMahon, Instructor Age Group: 13--18
Teens are challenged with thought-provoking icebreakers followed by stories, anecdotes, and applications for every day living based on the Bible.
Missionary LaWanda Formisano, Instructor Age Group: 19 and above
This class is designed to stress the principles as well as the in-depth tenets of the Spirit-led life, so that the class is spiritually relevant to the new convert and the mature Christian as well.