2002 Annual Holy Convocation
COGIC Institute Series
Topics and Instructors
Church Doctrine
Pastor Micah J. Scott, Sr. -- Wednesday
- The Doctrine of the Baptism in the
Holy Ghost
Church Growth
Pastor Willie Clark -- Wednesday
- Helping believers to receive the
Baptism in the Holy Ghost
Ministerial Development (Pastor Only)
Pastor David Simmons -- Thursday
- How to develop the ministers &
missionaries under your charge.
Church Growth
Supt. Jesse Kelly -- Thursday
- How COGIC churches can win and
retain new members
- Releasing the membership for
Personal Development
Supt. Reuben McSwain -- Friday
- Becoming an effective speaker.
- Delivering the word
- Message Preparation
Church Growth
Pastor Timothy T. Scott -- Friday
- Developing an effective Radio
- Developing an effective Tape
- Helpful Church Publications